September 1, 2009 - 23:44 AMT
Turkey exploits process of normalizing relations with Armenia
ARF Dashnaktsutyun political party in connection with signing of protocols between Armenia and Turkey issued a statement which writes that since this moment Armenia entered a new stage, full of dangers.

Their statement, in particular, stresses that relations between Armenia and Turkey may be established only after recognition of Genocide by the Turkish side. "The normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions is already a huge concession on the part of Armenia and establishment of relations with Turkey at the expense of national interests is unacceptable," the statement writes.
According to the statement, Turkey exploits process of normalizing relations with Armenia,
proposing all sorts of preconditions.

Faction continues to assert that the foreign policy of Armenia has deviated from the basic national policy.

ARF also stated that they would use every opportunity to identify and neutralize the existing dangers.