September 4, 2009 - 17:44 AMT
Protocols contain no information conflicting with Armenian nation's interests
"No new documents were signed between Armenia and Turkey. Protocols were ready even in April, though become published recently," RA Republican Party's Parliamentary Faction Leader Galust Sahakyan told today's news conference in Yerevan.

According to Sahakyan, some political forces are trying to search documents for points conflicting with Armenian nation's interest. Still it's a waste of time, and Armenian government must not be accused with something it has not committed.

Galust Sahakyan noted that opening borders with Turkey is an EU -made demand, not countered by Armenia. Armenia offers to normalize ties with Turkey without preconditions. "Discussion of Genocide and NKR issues are initiated by political forces, intending to create a stir on political scene," Sahakyan emphasized.