September 4, 2009 - 17:56 AMT
EAFJD consider protocols as dangerous move from Armenia's previous policy
A close examination of the protocols on normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations clearly reveals that the purview of these documents - historically unprecedented between the two neighboring states - goes far beyond the mere "normalization" and border-opening issues being discussed between Armenia and Turkey over many years. These protocols embrace, in a fundamental way, the full scope of unresolved issues between Turkey and the Armenian people worldwide, including those involving the legitimate rights of the European Armenian communities. This is written in the European Armenian Federation (EAFJD) statement sent to

"Through the protocols, and mobilizing immense resources of international pressure, Turkey has indeed imposed its preconditions, which Armenia had categorically rejected so far.

The European Armenian Federation considers these protocols a dangerous retreat from Armenia's time-honoured policy of welcoming normalization of relations with Turkey, but without any pre-conditions. The Turkish government's pre-conditions violate the core principles of international law as they involve acceptance by Armenia of the terms and conditions of old and illegitimate treaties long pre-dating the existence of independent Armenia," the statement says.

According to the statement, protocols involve the abandonment by Armenia of all efforts toward the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. They also involve complete capitulation by Armenia to Azerbaijan's terms in the Karabakh negotiations, as re-iterated by Minister Davutoglu on the very day, i.e. September 1st, of the announcement of the protocols. Furthermore, the tri-lateral announcement fails to recognize the fact that the people of Nagorno Karabakh and the communities of the Armenian Diaspora - therefore the European Armenians - are legitimate parties to any "political consultations" involving these issues.

"Turkey should not be permitted to abuse these bilateral negotiations "packaging away" its historic national liabilities in border-opening agreements with Armenia, its economically vulnerable neighbour. The international community must reject Turkey's most recent practice of imposing its policy of denial of the Armenian genocide through such biased bilateral deals. And the Swiss government should be more vigilant in its assessment of the moral implications of its mediation initiative given Turkey's questionable record in all these issues," stated Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation.

"For decades, the European Armenian communities fought all forms of genocide denial, advocated for the right to self-determination of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, and defended the heritage of the Armenian people in all of its aspects, having by their side the unwavering support of the European society to their Just Cause. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to defend the legitimate rights of our People with the same determination," concluded Hilda Tchoboian.