September 11, 2009 - 14:07 AMT
Turkish journalists visited Stepanakert
On September 9, two Turkish journalists, representing Milliyet newspaper and private TV channel, arrived in Stepanakert . Journalists traveled through Yerevan and received accreditation at NKR MFA, signing necessary documents, obligating signers to observe NKR laws and accept its sovereignty.

As diplomatic sources reported to PanARMENIAN/Net, Turkish journalists voluntarily signed the papers and noted that "Stepanakert has is better organized than Yerevan". According to the source, whatever the journalists write in their return to Turkey is of minor importance. "The first reaction, what they saw, is what matters. Eyes are the mirror of the soul, and can't deceive you whatever nationality you are," the source noted.

Journalists had interviews with NKR Foreign Minister Georgiy Petrosyan and Artsakh people.