September 16, 2009 - 00:44 AMT
First Memorial of the Armenian Genocide to be built in Israel
Union of Armenians of Israel "Ararat" has initiated building of the first memorial of the Armenian Genocide in Petach Tikva, Israel. As PanARMENIAN.Net reporter came to know from the head of Union of Armenians of Israel Ashot Martirosyan, they already have the agreement with municipality of the city. Ashot Martirosyan's letter to all Armenians is presented below:

"Dear Compatriots.

The building of the memorial of the Armenian Genocide, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Genocide, begins, on the initiative of "Ararat", the Union of Armenians in Israel, and according to the agreement with the Municipality of Petach Tikva. Numerous countries have recognized the Armenian Genocide of 1915, memorials dedicated to the victims of the Great Genocide soar in different corners of the world, and building a memorial in the sacred country, in Israel, is not only symbolic, but also one more step toward restoring the historical justice.

For carrying out the sacred mission of creating a memorial, dedicated to the victims of the Genocide in 1915, we expect your financial assistance, we ask you all for moral and material support, through which you will be recognized official patrons of the memorial and will have your contribution in the sacred work of immortalizing the memory of the victims of the Genocide. We are grateful for your help and support."