September 16, 2009 - 18:39 AMT
Yerevan should not overpass Nagorno-Karabakh process
World media started brainstorming around developments of the Armenian-Turkish relations , and in these conditions, the Karabakh issue was removed from the agenda, political scientist Levon Shirinyan told a news conference in Yerevan today.

"Concurrently to the process of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations, Armenia should not lose sight of the Karabakh process, being one of the main priorities of Armenia's foreign policy," political scientist noted. According to him, the Armenian side would better suspend negotiations if Baku returns to its former military rhetoric. 

In turn, the head of Analytical Center for Globalization and Regional Cooperation Stepan Grigoryan expressed his view, that although the Protocol on normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations literally does not mention the Karabakh conflict, however, Turkey will try to accelarate its steps in this process. "If the Turkish side would try again to lay the Karabakh issue as a precondition, Yerevan can declare the suspension of negotiations with Ankara," the political analyst said.