September 16, 2009 - 19:11 AMT
Ruben Safrastyan: Russia Project is a fairytale
That Russia intensifies its geopolitical role on global level, trying to recover its positions in CIS are real. The country's attempts to make CSTO an active system are real too. But as regards Russia Project, that's a fairytale, NAS Oriental Studies Institute Director Ruben Safrastyan told a PanARMENIAN reporter. If Russian President and Premier had such plans, no foreign newspaper would be aware of it, Armenian expert finds.

Italian Limes magazine disseminated information on the so called Russia Project allegedly elaborated by Mr. Putin and Medvedev. A periodical specialized in geopolitics, the magazine reported that the project aimed at re-annexing Transdniestria, South-Eastern Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan to Russian Federation. The project proposes the idea of creating a "Russian Union" with the involvement of Belarus, Central Ukraine, Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. It also envisages an agreement on a military union with Uzbekistan.