September 29, 2009 - 19:45 AMT
Armenia given uniqe opportunity to join GEANT 2 network
On September 29, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan participated in "Black Sea collaboration" forum due in Yerevan. The forum was held within CSIT-2009 international scientific conference frameworks.

Upon greeting forum participants, the Prime Minister stated that IT sphere development in Armenia is among RA Government's priority tasks, noting, yet, that the sphere still faces serious infrastructure -related problems.

In this connection the Premier added that "lack of communications negatively affects data transfer speed. To resolve the issue, the Government scheduled new investment programs' implementation".

He reported that Armenia is given a uniqe opportunity to join GEANT 2 pan-European research and education network and CSIRT system.

Emphasizing the importance of international scientific conference in Armenia, Tigran Sargsyan noted that the conference will give an oppportunity to establish collaboration between RA and foreign sicentisits. The Premier concluded his address by wishing effective work to forum paricipants.