October 1, 2009 - 18:47 AMT
Rockslides pose threat to Goshavank
Since 2003, Japanese specialists have been trying to protect Goshavank medieval Armenian complex from rockslides, but their efforts fell flat. After several years' attempts to hold back rocks, they are sliding down again, "Blagovest-info" reports.

Goshavank, Nor (New) Getik, is a medieval monastery complex situated in village Gosh, Tavush region (Armenia). Founded in the XII century by fabulist and "Code of Law" author Mkhitar Gosh, it consists of the following churches: Astvatsatsin (1191-96) with a gavit (1197—1203), Gregory church (1208-1241) with a domed hall, the small Lusavorich church (1237-41) with an arched hall, as well as a two-storey building with a library (till 1231) on the first floor and a belfry-rotunda on the second. The most important monastery constructions were erected by architect Mkhitar. Information boards and road signs in several languages have been recently placed near the monastery.