October 7, 2009 - 15:17 AMT
Apri Vartanian: RA President may delay signature of Turkey-Armenia Protocols
Armenian Assembly of America Country Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Arpi Vartanian is confident that the Protocols on normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations will not hamper the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

"We will spare no effort for adoption of the Genocide resolution co-sponsored by 132 Congressmen at the moment," Ms. Vartanian told a news conference in Yerevan.

Touching upon RA President's Pan-Armenian tour and numerous actions of protest against signature of the Protocols, she said that Mr. Sargsyan may delay signature upon his arrival in Yerevan.

"The process with Turkey is not finished yet. It's not ruled out that Protocols will not be signed or ratified," she said.