October 9, 2009 - 23:20 AMT
Protocols artificially conceal preconditions on Karabakh issue, ARFD claims
«The purpose of today's meeting was to show Armenian President that protest against Protocols is not organized by one or several political parties only. That's the protest of entire nation,» ARFD faction's secretary Artyusha Shahbazyan announced during a meeting in Tsitsernakaberd. Serzh Sargsyan, he said, should listen to people's opinion. «Approving something not accepted by people will mean acting behind their back,» ARFD representative stressed.

He didn't rule out possibility that Armenian people might wake up one morning and learn that there are new Protocols on Karabakh conflict. «We have stated several times that clauses of Armenian-Turkish Protocols 'artificially conceal' preconditions on Karabakh issue,» Shahbazyan said.

«If we make concession now, Karabakh issue will come next, and that will not be the end of all,» he stressed.