October 13, 2009 - 20:08 AMT
"Principles of Theology" by McGreat and "Prayer" by Grigor of Narekatsi published in Armenia
Publishing house of Holy Echmiadzin with the blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, issued a work "Foundations of Theology" written by the outstanding theologian of XX century Alister Mc Great and "Prayer" with excerpts from the "Prayer book" of Grigor Narekatsi (Gregory of Narek).

"Foundations of Theology" introduce readers with the basic theological themes: God, Jesus Christ, faith, creation, salvation, Holy Trinity Church. Topics are presented in the form of chapters with a short description of the theme, its historical development, the biblical texts.

"Prayer" is a collection of excerpts from "The prayer" written by the Gregory of Narek in Armenian and Russian.