October 13, 2009 - 20:31 AMT
The issue of RA-stationed Russian military bases can be resolved without damaging Yerevan's, Moscow's or Ankara's interests
RA-Turkey rapprochement process is, undoubtedly, a positive one and what's important, is a result of both countries' voluntary choice, head of CSTO International Information Support Center Ramil Latypov said at Yerevan-Ankara-Moscow TV bridge on "New Geopolitical situation in the East: Armenian-Turkish rapprochement, problems and realities".

"Armenia is a CSTO member and we are, surely, concerned over the issue of Armenia-stationed Russian military bases. Still we believe that friendly relations between Armenia and Russia will allow to resolve the issue without damaging Yerevan's, Moscow's or Ankara's interests," CSTO representative noted.

He also added that Russia is opposed to armed conflicts in the Caucasus. "Moscow supports RA-Turkish rapprochement and where're ready to assist both Armenia and Turkey to normalize ties," Ramil Latypov emphasized.