October 14, 2009 - 20:16 AMT
ATAA: Reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey can be achieved only through careful study of history
Protocols of normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations are based on the concept of "constructive ambiguity" and each side can interpret them in favor of own interests, the statement of the Assembly of Turkish American Association (ATAA) says.

"ATAA believes that the process of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations is the only opportunity for both countries to move forward. We welcome the desire embedded in the Protocols to develop good neighborly relations between Armenia and Turkey aimed to resolve all issues in an integrated manner, "n the statement of the Assembly says. 

The Association believes that the provision of territorial integrity is important for the Turks of the U.S., because "the Constitution of Armenia and the Armenian politicians wrongly raise territorial claims against Turkey. In respect to the historical commission, ATAA believes that "only through the diligent study of history the reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey can be achieved."