October 17, 2009 - 00:10 AMT
Meeting with famous sculptor and artist Arto Chakmakchyan in Yerevan
Master class and meeting with the renowned sculptor, painter Arto Chakmakchyan were held October 16 at the "Narek" Cultural Center.

As the spokeswoman of the Narek center Naira Hayrapetyan informed, the solo exhibition of Arto Chakmakchyan will be held in Armenia in January 2010, with support of UNESCO. 

Arto Chakmakchyan told Armenian young sculptors and artists, attended his master class, about the process of creation of sculptures, paintings, he also dwelled on the foreign and Armenian cultural environment. 

"Through painting, I always try to convey everything that is happening inside me, " the artist said. 
Arto (Haroutyun) Chakmakchyan was born in 1933 in Egypt. In 1948 he entered the Art College after Phanos Terlemezyan in Armenia, where he studied the art of sculpture and painting. 

Since 1961, he worked as a researcher and traveling in Armenia, studied medieval sculptures of the Armenian churches, that later became the basis for his "Decorative art of medieval Armenia" work. 

In 1969, for the sculpture "Mother" and "Arno Babajanyan" he was awarded the gold medal of the Youth Union of Armenia. Later these works were gifted to the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Since 1991, Arto Chakmachyan is a member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Canada.