October 26, 2009 - 19:00 AMT
Armavia carried 574 000 passengers
The number of passengers Armavia carried is 574 000, Mikhail Baghdasarov , head of Mika Limited and the owner of Armavia told reporters October 26 in the capital of Bahrain - Manama. "Before the end of November that number will reach 600 000 passengers, and by the end of 2009 it will amount to 700 000," he added. 

He explained that the passenger traffic will grow when direct flight to the U.S. and new flights to the Middle East will operate, which, according to him, will make Armenia a transit city.
Armavia, member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), performs about 250 flights a month to over 30 destinations in the CIS countries, Europe and the Middle East. In 2008 Armavia carried more than 647 thousand passengers.