October 28, 2009 - 21:25 AMT
RA Government responsible for Armenians worldwide
"Armenian nation is not restricted by RA citizens; we have Armenians in Nagprno Karabakh and Javahk, as well as the entire Diaspora community. Together, they form the Armenian world," Premier Tigran Sargsyan told a Parliament session, answering the question of ARFD faction secretary Artyusha Shahbazyan.

Premier disagreed to Dahnkaktrutyun's thesis on Diaspora being negatively disposed to RA-Turkish Protocols. At that he noted that only a small group of politicized Diaspora representatives were against current process with Turkey, as shown by recent studies. "That's natural since Armenian world is not a monolithic structure," he stressed.

With regard to RA Government's responsibility, Mr. Saragsyan said that Armenian and NKR governments were constitutionally bound to bear responsibility for their citizens. "At this point, it is necessary to keep in mind that both Armenia and NKR form part of entire Armenian world. And as Armenia's Prime Minister, I too bear responsibility for Armenians worldwide," Tigran Sargsyan stressed.