November 6, 2009 - 20:25 AMT
AAA thanked Congressman Periello for his dedication to affirmation of Armenian Genocide
During a meeting on Capital Hill, Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny and Congressional Relations Associate Bianka Dodov emphasized the importance of squarely affirming the Armenian Genocide and thanked Congressman Tom Periello for his support of H. Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide resolution.

H. Res. 252 was introduced by Congressman Adam Schiff along with his colleagues Congressman George Radanovich and Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs, Congressmen Frank Pallone Jr. and Mark Kirk. This bipartisan legislation recalls the proud chapter in U.S. history in helping to save the survivors of the first genocide of the twentieth century.

With over 130 cosponsors, the legislation is currently pending before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, where last Congress, it was adopted by the full Committee with the support of the late Chairman Tom Lantos.

"The Armenian Assembly thanks Congressman Periello for his dedication to affirmation of the Armenian Genocide," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "In the face of an ongoing campaign to deny the Armenian Genocide, H. Res. 252, and its counterpart in the Senate, S. Res. 316, sends a powerful message," added Ardouny. "The Assembly will continue its advocacy efforts and outreach to all those committed to the cause of genocide education and prevention to ensure passage of this important human rights legislation."

As a newly minted Member of Congress, Periello serves on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and the House Veterans' Affairs Committee.