November 9, 2009 - 18:02 AMT
Colorado Governor expressed gratitude to CCGAA activists for fight for justice campaign
Colorado Governor Bill Ritter expressed his appreciation and thanks for those individuals, activists and organizations that "fight for justice and truth", reported the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA).

In the meantime, governor also highly assessed the activities of Roz Duman, founder and Director of Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness & Action (CCGAA). "I congratulate Roz and the Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness and Action for the kind of leadership and commitment that is essential to ensuring there are no future genocides. Roz, and organizations like the Armenian Assembly of America, continue to fight for justice and truth, and I thank them for their great accomplishments," Bill Ritter said.

"The CCGAA will continue to work with the local Armenian community to help raise awareness about the incontestable fact of the Armenian Genocide," stated Duman. 

Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny announced in turn that, "The Assembly has a strong tradition of reaching out and working with individuals and organizations that share the same goals and values regarding genocide education and prevention,". "We echo the Governor's praise for Roz Duman and the CCGAA's work in raising greater awareness about this critically important human rights issue," he added.