November 9, 2009 - 20:41 AMT
For Erdogan the President of Sudan is better than Israel's Prime Minister

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he prefers communicate with Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al Bashir, and not with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netaniyahu.

Erdogan's statement was made at a meeting with Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the latter today visited Ankara. Erdogaan's statement was intended to clarify the reasons for canceling  Al Bashir's visit to Turkey.

According to Erdogan, he it is not able to maintain a respectful conversation with Netanyahuu because of the "crimes" committed by IDF during "Cast Lead " in the Gaza Strip. "I intend to tell Netanyahu that the crimes in Gaza are unacceptable. Muslims never dare to do anything like this, " Erdogan said, reports.
Al-Bashir is accused of war crimes, genocide against its own people and crimes against humanity. According to estimates of experts, he is guilty of killing 35,000 Sudanese citizens, and his actions condemned more than 80,000 inhabitants to death by starvation.