November 14, 2009 - 14:03 AMT
Mikhail Tal Memorial 2009 winner to be known in last round
The final round of Mikhail Tal Memorial 2009 will be held today, November 14. It's Levon Aronian's last chance to move forward.

The following pairs will compete.

Anand (India, 5 points) - Aronian (Armenia, 4.5 points)
Ivanchuk (Ukraine, 5 points) - Kramnik (Russia, 5.5 points)
Leko (Hungary, 3 points) - Karslen (Norway, 4.5 points)
Svidler (Russia, 3 points) - Gelfand (Israel, 4 points)
Ponomarev (Ukraine, 3 points) - Morozevich (Russia, 3 points).