November 17, 2009 - 17:20 AMT
Armenia's current situation meets all political forces' interests, including opposition
"I don't believe extraordinary elections will be held in Armenia," Heritage opposition faction MP Larisa Alaverdyan told a news conference in Yerevan. According to her, Armenia's current situation meets all political forces' interests, including opposition. At the same time, she noted that current opposition is negatively different from that of 20 years ago.

"Government is on the strong side. People can't influence the government towards altering its position on internal and external policy," Larisa Alaverdyan emphasized.

She expressed her disagreement over recent statement of RA NA leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

Still, she noted that Armenia has taken a wrong position in NKR conflict settlement. "Should Azerbaijan hold as many aces as Armenia does, any doors to international structures would possibly be closed for Armenia," the parliamentarian said.