November 18, 2009 - 19:03 AMT
No fresh news from Russian MFA
The statement of Russian MFA official representative Andrey Nesterenko that NKR issue, having been raised at Yerevan-Ankara negotiation process, suggests interconnection between both processes, is no fresh news, Ruben Mehrabyan , an expert at Armenian center of political and international studies told PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"I believe the statement proves there was a dispute between MG OSCE CO-Chairs, who, after keeping silence for some time, came to an agreement on NKR and Armenia-Turkey processes being linked," the expert said.

Ruben Mehrabyan emphasized that the progress, if registered in one of processes specified, will logically affect another one. "Russia, similarly to other players, seeks prompt resolution to Karabakh conflict. The resolution would offer more benefits than the current situation," the expert concluded.