November 30, 2009 - 20:41 AMT
ARFD: International community should attend to Baku's militaristic statements
U.S. State Department's Caucasus Office Director Eton Goldrich visited ARF-Dashnaktsutyun's Christopher Mikalyelyan Center in Yerevan to meet with ARFD Supreme Council Chair Armen Rustamyan, ARFD Bureau member Aghvan Vardanyan and Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Director Giro Manoyan.

The American diplomat was briefed on ARFD's position on Armenia's social-economic situation and democracy issues. Armenian-Turkish rapprochement and Karabakh conflict settlement were in the focus of discussion.

Parties agreed that normalization of Armenian-Turkish ties without preconditions was key to the establishment of peace in the region. They also stressed the importance of international community's attending to Baku's militaristic statements, ARF Dashnaktsustyun's press service reports.