December 8, 2009 - 17:10 AMT
Lavrenti Mirzoyan: Many civil servants in Armenia write their own names incorrectly
"The State Language Inspectorate   developed and submitted to the Armenian government and National Assembly the legislative package of 60 amendments to relevant laws. In government and in the National Assembly, our proposals were discussed. Some of our proposals have passed the first reading and introduced to a new Code of Administrative Violations, " Lavrenti Mirzoyan , head of RA State Language Inspectorate told a press conference on December 8 in Yerevan.  
According to him, the inspectorate is burdened with an out of date and dilapidated bureaucratic machine of the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia. The State Language Inspectorate in 2008 has filed 40 lawsuits in the Administrative Court of Armenia, the total amount of fines reached AMD 1 million 300 thousand.  
"Representatives of local government and even many civil servants write their own name incorrectly, " Lavrenti Mirzoyan said.