December 11, 2009 - 18:57 AMT
Azerbaijan sets political claims to U.S.
Azerbaijan's absurd policy recognizes no boundaries. Dissatisfied with Congress decision to allocate USD 41 million to Armenia and USD 8 million to Karabakh, the country is now setting claims to U.S.

"Azerbaijan should be informed of, and give consent to, U.S. Government's programs and activities in Nagorno Karabakh," said Yashar Aliyev, Azerbaijan's Ambassador to United States.

Azeri diplomat stressed that Armenian organizations of U.S. did not succeed in their efforts towards implementation of 907th amendment to Freedom Support Act since references in the section on State Department and foreign funding for 2010 fiscal year totally correspond to the 907 amendment.

The 907th amendment to Freedom Support Act was adopted by U.S. Congress after Azerbaijan and Turkey's closing border with Armenia and Azerbaijan's launching aggressions against Nagorno Karabakh.