December 14, 2009 - 19:50 AMT
No one accuses Turkish Premier of perpetrating Armenian Genocide
Nobody is personally accusing the Turkish Premier for perpetrating the Armenian Genocide, according to Head of Modus Vivendi Center Ara Papyan. Although present-day Turks are not guilty of their ancestors' crimes, they are yet responsible for them just as today's Germans, he said.

At that, he noted that responsibility is manifested not only by the outright condemnation of the criminal act itself, but also by the hundreds of billions in aid that have been granted and that continue to be granted to Israel.
"Even if Erdoğan's forebears were, say, not directly involved in the Armenian Genocide, indubitably however, his political forebears most certainly perpetrated the first genocide of the twentieth century," Ara Papyan said, adding unless the Turkish people condemn the Armenian Genocide, they are at the very least accomplice to the first genocide of the twentieth century.