December 18, 2009 - 19:36 AMT
Hans Jochen Schmidt: Protocols should be ratified no later than February
I hope that Armenian-Turkish Protocols will be ratified in due time, Hans Jochen Schmidt, Ambassador of Germany to Armenia told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"As I stated earlier, the Protocols are a window of opportunity. The Armenian side has repeatedly said that the Protocols should be ratified no later than February. I share this position,"

Mr. Schmidt said. He did not rule out that the Protocols ratification may have an impact on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. According to him, the ratification would also enable Turkey to strengthen its role in the South Caucasus. "So, we can say that Turkey is also interested in this process. Ankara will show that it has a balanced policy towards Armenia and Azerbaijan, " the ambassador said. "I hope that ratification of the Protocols by Turkey would signal of their readiness to positively affect the Karabakh conflict settlement, " Hans Jochen Schmidt said.