January 12, 2010 - 21:35 AMT
Ministry of Culture celebrates Old New Year in Chamber Music Hall
Komitas Chamber Music Hall hosted "Winter night's dream" children's program, organized in celebration of the Old New Year. The program was initiated by RA Ministry of Culture.

"We celebrate every New Year with similar events, trying to keep this tradition alive," RA Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan stated.

Children's Chamber Orchestra of UNICEF, guided by conductor Sergey Smbatyan, performed music compositions of Komitas, Piazzolla and others.

The event was attended by RA President Serzh Sargsyan and First Lady Rita Sargsyan.

The Children's Chamber Orchestra of UNICEF is a unique project. Its aim is to play child rights on musical instruments, to communicate important messages on child rights through the inspirational language of music.

Established with the financial support of Beeline, one of Armenia's leading telecommunication companies, as well as through efforts of the Tchaykovsky Musical School, Vladimir Spivakov Foundation and the Ministry of Culture in Armenia, the first in the region Children's Chamber Orchestra will also have a fundraising mission and will help UNICEF to mobilise resources for the cause of Armenian children.