February 4, 2010 - 16:30 AMT
55 per cent of Turks believe in possibility of military coup

According to a recent poll implemented by Metropoll Institute in Ankara, 55 per cent of Turks believe in the possibility of a military coup. In July, 2009, 48 per cent of respondents believed it, French journalist Jean Eckian reported from Paris.

According to the poll 69 per cent of Turks, who are supporting the ruling AKP party said, they believe that some members of the army are preparing a coup. 37 per cent of Turks, supporters of the opposition CHP party, are convinced that a military coup is under preparation.

In January the Turkish Taraf newspaper published a story alleging that country's influential army, previousely implemented three coups since 1960, projected another coup in 2003. In particular, the Sledgehammer ( «sledgehammer") plan envisaged bombings in two mosques in Istanbul during Friday prayers and introduction of emergency. Responsibility for the bombings was planned to put on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and "Al-Qaeda. The explosions had to be organized also in the Fenerbahce stadium and Burhan Felek sports complex.