February 3, 2010 - 13:19 AMT
Ankara sends envoy to Bern to complain about Armenia

Ankara is sending Feridun Sinirlioglu, representative of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, as an envoy to Switzerland to convey Turkey’s concerns over the ruling of the Armenian Constitutional Court on the Protocols envisaging normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey.

According to Hurriyet, Mr. Sinirlioglu will meet with Swiss Foreign Ministry official Michael Ambul, allegedly one of the initiators of Armenia-Turkey secret talks. The source said that the Turkish MFA will develop a document which will be sent to Russia, US, France and Armenia.

Feridun Sinirlioglu is also expected to visit Moscow, Washington and Paris.

The Protocols aimed at normalization of bilateral ties and opening of the border between Armenia and Turkey were signed in Zurich by Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu on October 10, 2009, after a series of diplomatic talks held through Swiss mediation.

On January 12, 2010, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia found the protocols conformable to the country’s Organic Law.