January 29, 2010 - 15:26 AMT
Stepan Safaryan: Hayk Babukhanyan fulfills authorities’ demands

Leader of Heritage faction Stepan Safaryan disapproves Hayk Babukhanyan’s recent statement concerning the party’s anti-state policy.

As he told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, such conduct clearly demonstrates that Babukhanyan fulfills authorities’ demands.

“There is reliable information that leader of Constitutional Rights Union receives funding from an oligarch representing one of coalition parties. Babukhanyan needs first of all to prove that <b>Heritage</b> conducts an anti-state policy,” he said.

Founded in 2002, Heritage, a National Liberal Party, is national by its roots, liberal in its economic principle, and an advocate of the democratic system of governance and due process for its citizens. The party’s objective is the development of Armenia as a democratic, lawful, and rights-based country that anchors its domestic and foreign policies in the nation’s sovereign interest. During the party’s Third Congress on May 30, 2005, Raffi K. Hovannisian was elected chairman. The other eight members of the party board were elected by secret vote.