February 17, 2010 - 10:58 AMT
Israel, Azerbaijan enjoy excellent relations

Israel and Azerbaijan enjoy excellent relations, according to <b>Alexander Goldenshtein</b>, deputy editor of IzRus.co.il news portal.

“Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman doesn’t reduce the country’s foreign policy to relations the United States, dialogue with Palestine and contacts with some leading EU countries,” Mr. Goldenshtein told PanARMENIAN.Net. “Azerbaijan is Israel’s major oil supplier. Besides, there are near 100 thousand Azerbaijani migrants in Israel.”

“Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev also abides by a multi-vector policy. Maintaining good relations with Iran, where several dozens of millions of Azerbaijanis live, Azerbaijan develops economic, political and cultural ties with Israel. Aliyev is a pragmatic politician. He will not make abrupt moves likes establishment of an embassy in Israel but he would welcome Israeli President and Foreign Minister, like he did last June. So, Tehran can just voice some irritation at a regular visit of an Israeli high-ranking official to Baku, but not more. Azerbaijan will continue being a friend for both countries,” he said.