February 10, 2010 - 15:49 AMT
Armenia not to be able to join the EU with closed borders

"Russia is far ahead of Armenia on the wat to European integration, but if you compare us with countries in the region, Georgia and Azerbaijan, we are leaders," Victor Yengibaryan , chairman of the European Movement of Armenia told a press conference in Yerevan. According to him, Armenia should understand the future of Europe and define its future policies in line accordingly.

"We still have a long way before thinking of the European Union membership", Engibaryan said, adding that Armenia should not be afraid to state about its plans to join the EU in future. The country has no action plan so far.

"Armenia will not be able to join the EU with closed borders," Engibaryan said, adding that Until Armenia does not settle issues related to the Karabakh conflict and Armenian-Turkish relations, it is useless to speak of EU membership.

The European Movement implements a number of projects, including student exchange programs, in particular, Yerevan hosts students from Norway at the moment.