March 12, 2010 - 16:14 AMT
Abdullah Gul: Turkey not attach importance to Swedish Parliament’s decision

Turkish President Abdullah Gul made a statement regarding the approval of the Armenian Genocide resolution by the Swedish Parliament. Gul, in particular, said: "We know very well how to such decisions are made. We do not attach special significance to them," he said.

According to Gul the decision was made not by historians. "If you ask the personal opinions of each who voted in favor, they are will not utter even three words. Actions and decisions of these people are motivated by very unimportant reasons. We don’ need to attach too much importance to all this. We should not exaggerate the significance of the decisions, which do not cause in us a sense of respect,”the Turkish president Gul said, TRT-Russian reported.

On March 11 the Swedish Parliament adopted the Armenian Genocide resolution with 131 votes in favor and 130 against, the resolution acknowledges also genocides of Assyrians and Pontic Greeks in the Ottoman Empire (modern Turkey).