March 22, 2010 - 15:23 AMT
RA President's "Outstanding Contribution to Global IT" award ceremony to be held in June
The official ceremony of the Armenian President's "Outstanding Contribution to Global IT" (GIT Award) will be held on June 28, 2010.

Rich Goldman, Chief Executive Officer of Synopsys Armenia, informed that the first winner of the annual award, former Chairman of the Board of Intel Corporation Craig R. Barrett and his wife will be present at the award ceremony. Some prominent figures are also expected to arrive.

"This is a very important step, the results of which we see in the near future. When we established this award, it was very important for us to involve Armenia in the international network, as well as with the prominent people who have made revolutionary changes in IT", said Hovik Musayelyan, General Manager of Synopsys Armenia, chairman of the Presidential Award organizing committee.

According to Mr. Goldman, selection of the Award recipients resembles the system of selecting nominees for the Nobel Prize. The winner is determined by the Committee, composed of 20 eminent IT workers.

The presidential medal is made of high-grade gold (300 grams) and diamond. The obverse side of the medal depicts an eagle by Rafael Israyelyan with a diamond eye. The reverse side of the medal depicts an emblem of Armenia against the background of Silicon Valley symbol. The designer of the medals is Valerie Reckert (who worked on Star Wars).

The event is sponsored by Public Television of Armenia (PTA) and VivaCell MTS company. Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by the PTA President Alexan Harutyunyan and chairman of the Presidential Award organizing committee Hovik Musayelyan.