April 1, 2010 - 10:19 AMT
Baku to make geopolitical choice between US, Russia and Iran

Raymond Tanter, former senior staff member of the US National Security Council, said that Baku may soon face a geopolitical choice between Iran, Russia and U.S.

According to him, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) between the United States and Russia to all appearance envisages joint operation of Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. “The possibility is now higher than during the Bush administration,” Turan agency quoted Tanter as saying.

“Meanwhile, Iran may accuse Baku of violation of the bilateral agreement prohibiting use of their territory by third countries for hostile purposes. In this case, Azerbaijan will have to choose between the superpowers and conniving with Tehran,” Tanter noted.

He added that Azerbaijan would be much better off under the cooperation of Moscow and Washington in this issue than under the sway of Tehran, which “aspires to export the Islamic revolution to Azerbaijan.”

Currently Tanter is serving as President of Iran Policy Committee in Washington DC.