April 15, 2010 - 14:41 AMT
Crayfish reserves decreased by 370t in Lake Sevan in 2009

The Department of Natural Sciences of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences has summarized the results of 2009. According to data provided by the Institute of Hydro-ecology and Fish Breeding, the crayfish reserves reduced by 370t (from 1370 to 1000t) in Lake Sevan.

According to representatives of the Institute, this figure does not threaten the lake’s ecology, but if this trend continues, we may be deprived of crayfish.

Head of the Agency on Bio-resources Administration of the RA Ministry of Ecology Artashes Ziroyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter that this figure does not threaten the lake’s ecology: “To the contrary - the less crayfish is present in the lake, the more we will gain. However, we have established a limit of 250t for crayfish capturing this year.”

He added that the state will allocate AMD60mln for purchase of winter and summer trout to preserve its endemic type in the lake.