April 16, 2010 - 12:27 AMT
RA government planning public hearings on Moscow cinema open-air hall

Save Cinema Moscow Open-Air Hall group on Facebook social network placed RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan’s letter dated January 25 to head of RA government administration David Sargsyan, calling to preserve the open-air hall as a cultural monument and to restore its primary appearance.

However, a month later, on February 25, the government of Armenia decided to remove the hall from the list of architectural monuments protected by the state and gave consent to the proposal of the Moscow Cinema LLC on alienation of the territory in favor of the Armenian Apostolic Church, granting the ownership right to build a new church similar to that of Poghos-Petros which was destroyed during the Soviet era.

Over 25 thousand people signed a letter to President Serzh Sargsyan calling on him to repeal the governmental decision.

After the letter’s publication Prime Minister’s Adviser Aram Ananyan informed that the government is planning public hearings on the issue of pulling down Moscow cinema open-air hall.