April 21, 2010 - 15:17 AMT
Berlin to host Remembrance Service for Armenian Genocide victims on April 24

The Berlin Remembrance Service for the victims of the Armenian Genocide will take place on April 24th, in the Friedrichstadtkirche (French Cathedral). Numerous representatives from politics, culture and academia will be taking part.

The commemorative speech will be given by well-known historian Prof. Dr. Volkhard Knigge (Director of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation). An address will be given by Walter Momper, president of the parliament of Berlin. Also speaking will be Vartkes Alyanak, member of the board of the Armenian Community of Berlin. The artistic program will be provided by actress Melanie Blocksdorf (recitation), the soprano Liana Aleksanyan and pianist Silva Schmedding-Farmasian.