April 24, 2010 - 14:13 AMT
Service for Armenian Genocide commemoration to be held in Saint Louis Church, Berlin

Service in commemoration for the Armenian Genocide will be held in Saint Louis Apostolic Church, Berlin, on April 24.

As the spiritual leader of the Armenians of Berlin and North Germany, Archimandrite Eghishe Avetisyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, head of the Armenian community of Berlin Petros Tikicheyan and Sorbonne professor Claude-Armen Mutafyan will make remarks afterwards.

“Professor Mutafyan will present reports titled “Armenian Genocide in 1915-1923” and “Armenian Genocide and International Recognition 95 years later,” Reverend Father Avetisyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net.

German government members and officials of Scharlottenburg prefecture, leaders of Greek and Aramean Churches will be attending.