April 26, 2010 - 18:06 AMT
Azeri slander about RA Defense Minister amuses experts

One should not try to find logics in contrivances of Azeri propaganda machine. Thus, they find justified Azeri President or Defense Minister’s public announcements on military programs aimed to “hit any target in Armenia”. Yet, the return caution issued by Armenian Defense Minister is construed as a threat, serving as a reason to make a smooth transition to self-invented subject of “Seyran Ohanyan’s participation in Khojalu events”, at the same time questioning the Armenian Genocide.

Before uttering another haughty statement, Azerbaijani might need to remember how provoking a war resulted in reaping fruit of their own ill considered initiative.

Threat to resume hostilities was an Azeri initiative, which eventually turned to their detriment. Summing up, we might add that Azeri slander about RA Defense Ministry serves amuses experts and insiders, Armenian Defense Ministry press service reported.