May 12, 2010 - 14:10 AMT
BBD licensing tender to be held in Armenia July 20

The Armenian government will debate introduction of amendments to the RA Law On TV and Radio.

“The amendments concern transfer to digital data broadcast (BBD), what will allow to secure efficient usage of coverage area, unification of information networks and compatibility of technical tools,” RA Deputy Economy Minister Ara Stepanyan told a news conference on May 12.

For her part, legal expert Rosa Stepanyan said that the experience of various countries was taken into account while developing the draft bill. “Digital data broadcast network is a integral system of multiplexers and relevant infrastructures which enable TV and radio broadcasting. The system will be state-owned,” she said.

Licenses will be issued though tenders. “The first tender will be held on July 20, 2010. 18 TV channels will be selected, with licenses taking effect January 20, 2011. The transition period will last till July 20, 2013. The next tender will be held in 10 years,” Stepanyan said, adding that 4 radio stations will also be digitized.