October 22, 2001 - 20:30 AMT
Tomorrow Georgia's President Eduard Shevarnadze will arrive in Yerevan with official visit. The Georgian delegation headed by the President includes the ministers of foreign affairs, energy and fuel, transport and communication, finance, economy, industry and trade, justice, agriculture, state incomes, and also the Parliament deputies and the leaders of Akhlkalak and Ninotsminda regions which are populated by Armenians. Eduard Shevarnadze will be also accompanied with a large group of Georgian businessmen. According to «Arminfo» agency, at the visit, adopted «Agreement of friendship, cooperation and mutual security between Armenia and Georgia» as well as two agreements on cooperation in the legal sphere will be signed. Besides, the exchange with ratification instruments regarding a number of documents will take place between the Presidents of the two countries. After the official meeting ceremony, the conversation of Robert Kocharyan and Eduard Shevarnadze will take place. In the afternoon the heads of the countries will continue the talk in the residence of Armenian leader. After the talk, the meeting of the Armenian and Georgian delegations, that will result in signing of a number of bilateral documents, will take place. Joint Press conference of Robert Kochryan and Eduard Shevarnadze is also planned. In the evening, the Armenian President will give an official dinner in honor of the guest. In the morning, October 24, Eduard Shevarnadze will place flowers at the memorial of the 1915 genocide victims. Then Georgian President will visit the National Assembly where he will meet with Armenian parliamentarians. The head of Georgia will also meet with students and the teaching staff of Yerevan State University. The Georgian delegation will visit Armenia's National gallery, where the opening ceremony of the exhibition of works Georgian artists will take place. In the same day, the Georgian delegation will leave Armenia.