October 22, 2001 - 20:27 AMT
Armenia is worried with the fate of Armenian population in Abkhazia. Our State can not be indifferent about the fate of our compatriots in any country. As «Arminfo» informs, Armenian President Robert Kocharyan has stated this in his interview to «Prime news» Georgian agency. Armenia's head has reminded that the recent events in Abkhazia have resulted in the deaths of peaceful people and among them were Armenians. Concerning the talks, according to Robert Kocharyan, the tradition of sincere discussions on the problems of compatriots, Georgian citizens, has been made. «As a rule, we manage to solve complex issues. We express our readiness to contribute to the solution of social-economic problems in the regions populated by Armenians», has noted the President of Armenia. Taking into account the presence of pretty big Armenian community in Abkhazia's territory and Armenia's interest in peaceful and fair conflict settlement, Armenia's constructive participation in a way is not excluded, has stated the President and added that a single mediation mission is not possible and Yerevan's participation might be only if the all conflict sides agree to it. In this connection, the President of Armenian has said that Armenian contingent participation in the peaceful mission is not likely.