June 3, 2010 - 13:49 AMT
South Caucasus Railways CJSC to introduce system of electronic document management

South Caucasus Railways (SCR) CJSC will introduce a system of electronic document management in 2010. Besides, the establishment of computer work stations will also continue at the SCR, press secretary of the company Vahe Davtyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In addition, the old equipment will be substituted by the fiber optic one at the entire railways.

“Since its establishment, the SCR CJSC has been adhered to introduction of modern information technologies: computerized Road Operating Control Center has been opened, automated systems of stations administration have been introduced,” Vahe Davtyan said.

On March 2, 2010, the SCR CJSC signed an agreement with GNC-Alfa CJSC on strategic cooperation. It foresees joint operation of the SCR infrastructure, as well as construction and exploitation of fiber-optic cable and other systems of communications along the railways.

South Caucasus Railways CJSC is 100% subsidiary of Russian Railways OJSC. Armenian Railways OJSC was transferred to the SCR CJSC under a concession agreement signed on February 13, 2008.