June 21, 2010 - 14:41 AMT
David Amiryan: children’s minds are affected by internet and network games more than media

There are 3 main reasons behind juvenile crime: lack of attention in the family, social issues and new surroundings.

Decrease in juvenile crime rate is observed in Armenia, according to Monte Melkonyan school director Ruzan Azizyan.

As she said at June 21 news conference, activity of Armenian police in educational institutions was unfairly criticized, with police officers working with students and teachers at schools.

According to YSU associate professor of psychology David Amiryan, police having to deal with under-age children would be an extreme measure, signaling unsatisfactory work of psychologists.

As David Amiryan noted, today, unformed minds of children are affected by internet and network games, propagating violence, more than by media; parents should be held responsible for struggling against negative influence on their children’s psyche.