June 21, 2010 - 16:42 AMT
FAEE draws attention of world to explosive situation in South Caucasus

Chairman of the Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (FAAE) Ashot Grigoryan said that Azerbaijan's statements about its adherence to the "renewed" Madrid principles are a farce, which aims to substitute the recognition of the NKR independence by its right to self-determination within Azerbaijan's composition.

"This attempt was prevented by the Russian leadership, which co-chairs the OSCE Minsk Group. FAAE applies to Europe, Armenian organizations worldwide and separate lobbyists, offering them to contact representatives of their countries' MFAs and parliaments to present Azerbaijan's adventurism, stressing the explosive situation in the South Caucasus. The adventurism can be followed by a war, which will turn into a catastrophe for the region's countries and companies making huge investments in the region" reads the statement received by PanARMENIAN.Net from FAAE.

According to the FAAE Chairman, a war in the region cannot be local - the CSTO and NATO forces will join it immediately, while the consequences will be unpredictable.

Ashot Grigoryan stresses the necessity of immediate reaction by international organizations to these processes to prevent further catastrophes.