June 21, 2010 - 19:05 AMT
29.3% growth recorded in sale proceeds of Armenia's taxpayers in April 2010

According to the Analysis of Summarized Indices of Large Taxpayers' Monitoring in April 2010 by the Committee of State Revenues, 29.3% or AMD 163.1bln growth was recorded in sale proceeds of Armenia's taxpayers in April 2010 as compared with the same period of last year.

Meanwhile, the growth in this index was recorded at 205 organizations, including Zangezur copper and molybdenum combine, Alex Grig, Deno Gold Mining Company, ArmRosgazprom, City Petrol Group, Agarak copper and molybdenum combine, Pure Iron Plant, Arpa-Sevan, Rusal Armenal and Flesh, which secured AMD 24.3bln increase in sale proceeds in April 2010 as compared with the same period of last year.

At the same time, a decrease in proceeds of 121 taxpayers was recorded, including AMD 3.6bln drop - in sale proceeds of VTB Bank (Armenia), Grand Commerce and GeoProMining Gold in April 2010 as compared with the same period of last year.