July 2, 2010 - 16:29 AMT
IPAO delegation: it is important that NKR people’s right to self-determination is respected

On July 1, Speaker of the NKR National Assembly Ashot Ghulyan met with a delegation of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy, which paid a private visit to Artsakh after completion of the 17th assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IPAO).

The delegation comprised of parliamentarians from Russia, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Lebanon, Jordan, Armenia, Romania, Palestinian Autonomy, as well as high-ranking clergymen from Russia and South African Republic.

Greeting the guests, Mr. Ghulyan thanked them for organization of the meeting in Artsakh.

Member of the Russian parliament Konstantin Zatulin noted that the 17th assembly of the IPAO adopted a resolution on the Karabakh conflict settlement, in which it urged the sides to solve the conflict through negotiations, respecting the NKR people’s right to self-determination.

Besides, all speakers at the meeting stressed that it is important to solve the Karabakh conflict in the context of respecting the NKR people’s right to self-determination, the NKR NA press service reported.